Thursday, June 16, 2011

We, Me, and Us

Audreia always has something interesting to say and one of the most profound was 'if it starts with "we believe..." count me out'.  So with that mind, the following is true for me.

Sampsonism is not about an organized, monolithic, dogmatic mantra of "we believe".  Rather, it is "I believe", agree or disagree, that is up to you.  This thing is not about claiming any moral highground or a quest to change or make up people's minds. 

It is and ought to be about recognizing that the person I was yesterday, that I am today, will not necessarily be the person I am tomorrow.  New facts, new theories, new evidence, new proofs will come about to facilitate a change of opinion, of belief and the only thing WE need to be is open to it.  Listen, Learn, Innovate, Create, Teach, and Explore.

1 comment:

  1. Well Garfield, what I am saying is, if the topic is "God" and any group has separated themselves and expresses that separation by "we", as opposed to everyone else, then I am not interested. I believe when it comes to "God", there is no separation in the Creation. "God" is Unity, all the "we's out there are segregation.
